Ikenobo Senko (池坊専好)

Senko IKENOBO was an expert in the rikka (standing flowers) style from the Azuchi-Momoyama period to the middle of the Edo period. Three generations existed.

The First Senko IKENOBO (1536-1621)
The first Senko IKENOBO introduced the teaching of Confucianism into the compositional theory of rikka style and brought revolutionary changes to the previous rikka style. The Hyakuheika-kai, a flower display which was held at the Daiun-in Temple in Kyoto in 1599 was highly praised.

The Second Senko IKENOBO (1570-1658)
The second Senko IKENOBO was called by the Emperor Gomizunoo and taught him the rikka style, and became the judge of rikka ceremonies held at the palace and was given the title of Hokkyo (A title of honor that is given to Buddhist sculptors, painters, poets, etc). He was the person who achieved perfection in rikka style and indroduced Buddhism into rikka style's compositional theory. Drawings of his works are kept in the Ikenobo, Manshu-in Temple, and Yomei Bunko collections.

The Third Senko IKENOBO (1680-1734)
The third Senko IKENOBO revised the writings of the traditions of the rikka style and the imparted methods.

The Fourth Senko IKENOBO
In 1988 as the next master of IKENOBO Yuki IKENOBO assumed the name of Senko IKENOBO. After assuming the position of master, she called herself the fourth Senko IKENOBO.

[Original Japanese]